The Gift of Stability


Jobs secured after completing StepUp's Employment Program


Had no income before landing their first job with StepUp Durham


Participants Served by StepUp Durham programming



Average cost of incarceration per individual in North Carolina


Cost to support participants in landing their first job in North Carolina

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 16.3% of the people living in Durham are below the poverty level.

Many of these men and women are actively seeking a more stable living situation, but face challenges such as criminal backgrounds, racial inequality, histories of drug abuse, domestic violence, and/or homelessness. Unemployment and lack of resources keeps the entire COMMUNITY FROM thriving.

And every family deserves stability.

1.6 Million

North Carolinian

—one in five adults—

has a criminal record

In fiscal year 2019-2020,
about 59% of StepUp Durham participants navigated their employment search with a criminal record

Informational Resources and Sources for Statistics Referenced

Estimated Number of North Carolinians with Criminal Records - North Carolina Justice Center/North Carolina Second Chance Alliance

Cost of Corrections - North Carolina Department of Public Safety

Poverty Rate in Durham County - United States Census Bureau

Living Wage Calculator - For Durham County