Jajuanna Reflects on Her StepUp Experience


"I am so glad that I found out about StepUp when I did. The staff at StepUp help me stay on track. If I had not found out about StepUp, I would not have grown and improved and gotten a job--I would still be stuck in the same spot.

"I love StepUp because it doesn’t matter what type of person you are. StepUp doesn’t judge anyone--they are willing to help, as long as you are willing to do the work. That is why I have told so many people about StepUp because I know the staff can help people regardless of their past. 

"Networking and company research are the most useful skills I learned during Jobs Week. I interviewed at Duke before going through Jobs Week and I feel like the reason I did not get the job was a lack of company research. Now, thanks to StepUp, I research more about companies that I am applying to, which I think helps show the interviewer that I am the best candidate for the job! I also interview and network better because I know how to ask better questions.

"I now have a job and I know StepUp helped make that happen because I knew how to research the company and ask good questions during the interview. Without the help I received during Jobs Week, it would have been much harder to get the job.

"I also really enjoy attending ENER-G on Wednesdays [weekly meetings for Jobs Week graduates]. I like getting to catch up with the other people who went through Jobs Week with me. It is a good networking tool where we get to encourage one another."


Andrew Archer: Artist and Altruist


Volunteer Spotlight: Edward Boyd