Devine Evans | Photo Credit - Beth Lowery Photography
“Step1 was amazing - I wish I could do it all over again”
Devine Evans | Photo Credit - Beth Lowery Photography
Devine learned of StepUp Durham from a friend, after job-seeking for 3-4 months. They joined Step1 where they learned new techniques for interviews, and language to use to improve their chances of getting hired. They worked hard to build their skills and created strong relationships with staff, volunteers, and other participants in Step1 - growing lasting personal and professional relationships. Devine also had the chance to work at ReCity as a BUILD apprentice, to add the experience to their resume. This helped them land their current position, working as a custodian at a retirement community, and as a canvasser for the Harris/Walz campaign.
While they’re currently enjoying their stability, Devine’s long term goals are to give back to their community, serve the homeless, and to one day create a school to serve LGBTQ youth in Durham. They are also passionate about their singing and songwriting career - keep an eye out for them at local music venues! Thriving, to Devine, means achieving their goals one-by-one, and by making today look better than yesterday.
We’re excited to launch our 2024 Fall Campaign! Generous donors Phil Spiro and Linda Raftery will match up to $35,000 in new, increased, or renewed donations, PLUS one year’s worth of any new, recurring monthly gifts. For example, if a donor signed up to give $100/month, $1,200 would count toward the match!