340 Excel Responses


by: Crystal Price

Posted:Jan 17, 2022 / 06:08 PM EST/ Updated:Jan 18, 2022 / 12:26 PM EST


129 Excel participants will be selected to receive $500/month starting in March. Additionally, 138 Excel Partners will be randomly selected. As a reminder, the Partners are individuals who will receive $30 payments for their completion of surveys provided by our Research Fellow. StepUp Durham will only notify Excel Participants regarding their selection.

For additional assistance, contact the Excel Coordinator at 919-695-7764.

The application period ended on Sunday, and StepUp Durham executive director Syretta Hill said they received more than 300 applications for the program. 

“The goal was to get 129, we had 340 responses,” Hill said.  

Hill said over the next week and a half, 129 individuals will be randomly selected by the Center for Guaranteed Income in Pennsylvania. She said it’s not easy for individuals who are just getting out of prison to find work and housing. 

“There’s a lot of penalties that this community continues to face, even after they come out of incarceration,” Hill said. 

Hill said $500 a month will go a long way in helping someone get back on their feet. 

“This funding can help them with housing, it can help them with food, and with their other responsibilities,” Hill said. 

The program is being funded by grants from private donors, including Twitter. 


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