Becoming a Productive Member

By Kevin Morin-Kensicki, ENERG Coordinator StepUp Durham

Corey was referred to StepUp Durham when he became a resident of Restorative Transitions (RT).  Restorative Transitions is a faith-based community living program that provides temporary housing for individuals exiting the correctional system.  RT is a valued community partner of StepUp Durham and they provide housing for individuals as they seek employment to get back on their feet and work toward stability.

Due to physical health issues, Corey came to StepUp with three goals in mind, staying focused, finding employment, and being a productive and responsible person in the community.  Corey has proven to be diligent in his pursuit of meeting the responsibilities put upon him by the courts, Restorative Transitions, StepUp, and himself.  He is always positive and greets everyone  he meets with a big smile and handshake.

After starting with StepUp, Corey was hired into a BUILD Apprenticeship, working at ReCity as a maintenance worker. He is quick to see what needs to be done and takes the initiative. Corey’s supervisor stated, “Corey has been a great addition to the ReCity Team. He is enthusiastic and personable and always ready to do anything he can to help. He is always early and ready to get to work. He does a great job of communicating whenever something in his schedule changes that might impact his work. I can go on and on. Corey is an awesome person!”

Corey says, “I am very appreciative for all who have been my strength and my guide in lending a helping hand and leading me in the right direction. I will always have appreciation for everyone who has given me the opportunity to become a better person with a great outlook for the future”.


$25,000 challenge grant for IMPACT23


8th Annual IMPACT23