
Tanya | Photo Credit - Beth Lowery Photography

I heard about StepUp Durham in April 2023, shortly after coming home from prison.

I was in Restorative Transition’s women’s house and was referred to the program. I was already working for Arby’s but I had hopes of finding something better so I reached out to SUD. I was what I now know is called a “bypasser” when Bill first reached out to me and became my Success Coach. Since I had already had a job, I did not need to be in Step1 looking for employment. I immediately went into Step2. Bill, of course, continued to send me other job opportunities and met with me weekly for a check-in to see if there was any support  I needed.

Around August 2023, I was presented with a BUILD position here at ReCity from StepUp. That position really gave me hope. I was able to work behind the desk at ReCity and assist visitors with whatever direction they needed and with any questions they had about the various organizations coworking together in the space. While I was working for Arby’s and at the front desk, the ELEVATE program gave me the opportunity to take two substance abuse counseling classes that I needed toward becoming a Certified Alcohol & Drug Counselor. ( I am now registered with the NC Substance Abuse Prevention Board as a CADC). And last but not least, I am currently in Step3. I am working on a passion project in which I can work with women who are in transition from prison/jail back into society. I will be going back into the transitional program that I graduated from after 15 months (Restorative Transitions) to carry a message of recovery to the ladies in the house there now.


I am now registered with the NC Substance Abuse Prevention Board as a CADC.


Being a part of SUD was (and continues to be) like having a family here in Durham. I have no relatives here at all and by being a part of the StepUp community, I didn’t feel as alone—as if I had no support. I was fresh out of prison and just knew that I wanted a new way of life, new spiritual friends, and a true sense of belonging. StepUp Durham provided me with those opportunities from the start—AND MORE.

Tanya | Photo Credit - Beth Lowery Photography

Today, by the grace of God and belief in me from the SUD team, I am a full-time (with benefits) Success Coach on the same team that has been so instrumental in my turnaround. I get to come to work everyday and provide the same support to PEOPLE JUST LIKE ME. I get to listen to needs and assist with finding solutions to barriers and fears. I am also slowly easing my way back into the Substance Abuse Field by providing group therapy to offenders twice a week. I get to work alongside Probation and Parole officers to support PEOPLE JUST LIKE ME. My goal for the future is to first, maintain my sobriety/recovery (which is greatly dependent upon my relationship with God). My goal is to grow in any way that I can to be able to provide support services to the disenfranchised. I desire to become financially stable so that I can give more to my family and wherever else God leads me to give.

To me, thriving is when you can wake up every morning with goals that you have set for yourself, having the hope and support needed in order to achieve them. Thriving is when you are working towards a greater cause for yourself–and hopefully for others as well. Thriving is when you have reached a point of consistent stability in your life mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally. So for the most part, TODAY I AM THRIVING.

Thank you God! Thank you StepUp Durham!! 


We’re excited to launch our 2024 Fall Campaign! Generous donors Phil Spiro and Linda Raftery will match up to $35,000 in new, increased, or renewed donations, PLUS one year’s worth of any new, recurring monthly gifts. For example, if a donor signed up to give $100/month, $1,200 would count toward the match!




Everyone Gets to Thrive