Substance Abuse Loop Creative Substance Abuse Loop Creative


(919) 419-1059

Services - Trosa helps individuals with substance use disorders become healthy, productive members of their communities and families

Qualifications - 18 or older, have a substance use disorder and ability to complete 2 year therapeutic program

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Health Services Loop Creative Health Services Loop Creative

Samaritan Health Center

(919) 407-8154

Services - Samaritan provides affordable healthcare to individuals who are underserved in our community

Qualifications - Proof of ID, income (has to be under 300% of federal poverty guidelines),proof of medical insurance and any clinics visited in the last year

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Financial Loop Creative Financial Loop Creative

Bank of America

Better Money Habits

(347) 690-7886

Services - The Better Money Habits program provides videos and articles to promote financial education around a variety of topics including taxes, college and retirement

Qualifications - Open

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