StepUp Durham - Kevin Morin-Kensicki


Employment Counselor at StepUp

Kevin Morin-Kensicki

Kevin Morin-Kensicki

My name is Kevin Morin-Kensicki. I was born and raised in Detroit, MI along with my three siblings and graduated from a small college near Ann Arbor with a bachelor’s degree in Human Services. This past June, I was thrilled to be hired as an Employment Counselor at StepUp Durham. Having worked in the employment counseling field for over 30 years, I am passionate about the work I do and excited for this new challenge.

I was recently asked what I enjoyed the most about working on the StepUp Durham team. If I must pick just one thing, it would be facilitating job search trainings. There’s just something about seeing people’s faces light up when they “get it”. Not long ago I had the opportunity to facilitate a training on effective communication for participants of the H.E.A.R.T.S. program, a non-profit organization that educates and equips adolescent parents with the tools needed to become independent and self-sufficient. The attendees were so engaging and open about sharing their stories. I was only with StepUp Durham for roughly a month when I was asked to lead the training and that act of faith in my skills showed me that StepUp Durham isn’t just about empowering participants, that empowerment also extends to staff members too.

As I continue moving forward, I am excited to work with participants and help them achieve their goals. Being a part of a participant’s success story continues to be a driving force for me personally and inspires me to do all I can to help the next person who walks through our door!


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