Vivisum Partners


Please welcome @vivisumpartners to our family of donors as StepUp Durham 2022 Annual Fund Silver Members. This is the first year we are offering this unique opportunity to our local business community and look forward to doing much more in the future. Our goal is to work with local professionals who  embrace diversity, equity, and inclusion as values that are vital to creating and maintaining a successful workplace and community; one founded on the principle that ALL PEOPLE are equal and should have the same opportunities to thrive, both personally and professionally.

One of the cornerstones of Vivisum Partners’ corporate values is to support our community through volunteering and philanthropy. Vivisum offers an annual Meaningful Work Grant, which provides pro-bono consulting and financial support for local social businesses and organizations. They chose StepUp Durham because our mission is near and dear to several of Vivisum’s team members and they wanted to donate funds to support employment readiness and job training in the community.

As a 2022 Annual Fund Sponsor, Vivisum will make a substantial difference in the lives of those we serve by directly supporting and sustaining our programs and our commitment to provide the people of Durham with free employment and life skills training.

Please support those who support us and consider Vivisum for your market research needs in the future. Vivisum provides facilitated discovery using market research methodologies and critical thinking processes that generate actionable insights and enable clients to maximize returns on their investments. Visit Vivisum Partners to learn more.


Check out MGI's End of Year Report


StepUp Durham - Kevin Morin-Kensicki