Childcare Loop Creative Childcare Loop Creative

Equity Before Birth

Services - We are tackling maternal and infant mortality by helping those who are disproportionately impacted - Black moms, birthing people and their infants. Supplement income in the absence of paid parental leave and covering the cost of essential services and support.

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Childcare Loop Creative Childcare Loop Creative


(Camp Hope)

(919) 719-9989

Services - Camp Hope is offering free childcare for children grades K-8 for essential workers

Qualifications - Parent is an “essential” worker and children grades K-8

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Childcare Loop Creative Childcare Loop Creative

Durham Early Head Start

(919) 439-7107

Services - Durham Early Head Start is a free and comprehensive child development and family support program for low-income expectant women and families with infants and toddlers age birth to 3

Qualifications - Be expecting or have children 3 or younger, meet the income eligibility as determined by Federal Poverty Guidelines

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